The Global Forum for Rural Advisory Services (GFRAS) held its 3rd Annual Meeting during 26-28 September at Manila, the Philippines. The event was hosted by the Asia-Pacific Islands Rural Advisory Services (APIRAS) Network. The meeting contributed to the thematic exchange on rural advisory services (RAS) and how it could better contribute to the Agricultural Innovation System (AIS). The participants discussed ways of developing new capacities at the individual, organisational and the enabling environment level and what actions have to be taken at the national, regional and global levels.

GFRAS and its regional networks also discussed ways of strengthening networking and sharing of experiences. For more details, visit, .http://www.g-fras.org/en/ Participants from South Asia also discussed the possibilities of strengthening the virtual network Agricultural Extension in South Asia (http://www.aesa-gfras.net/) and ways of identifying RAS actors and champions from the different countries in this region.
CRISP participated in this event and the Director CRISP presented the key note paper on the Role of Rural Advisory Services in the Agricultural Innovation System.