This report outlines the findings of the review of both peer-reviewed and grey literature on gender and extension/advisory services in Bangladesh. The reviews were centered on the following key research questions:
What extension methods and approaches are being used?
What are their impacts? What is the level of uptake? What is the level of adoption?
Which of these approaches are targeting women?
What are their impacts? What is the level of uptake? What is the level of adoption?
What are the success factors of these approaches?
What are the constraints of existing approaches to reaching rural women: social, cultural,
economic, technical, environmental, and infrastructural?
This report also contains case studies that were conducted in Bangladesh to provide evidence on the impact, scale-in-use, and benefits to women as well as challenges and constraints of the selected extension and advisory services being used. The case studies were also conducted to identify factors leading to the successes of the approaches being used and the constraints and challenges being faced by the implementers of the approach and the recipients (namely, women farmers).