Effective delivery of livestock services depend to a large extent on the number and quality of technical manpower available in a region. CRISP partnered with the Rajiv Gandhi College of Veterinary and Animal Sciences (RAGACOVAS), Pondicherry in organising a Regional Workshop on the availability of manpower and their capacities to deal with the contemporary and future challenges faced by the livestock sector.
The specific objectives of this workshop held on 4-5 September 2011 were as follows:
1. How to reduce the gap between the availability and requirement of technical man power in the veterinary colleges and departments of AH?
2. How to improve the capacity of technical manpower to face the present and future challenges of the livestock development?
3. How to improve the effective delivery of livestock services to the livestock owners?
The participants deliberated on these aspects and developed an action plan to strengthen delivery of livestock services in the region. Click here for more details on the workshop and the action plan.