This research was undertaken for the Sustainable Resilient Farming Systems Intensification (SRFSI) project.
The diagnosis of the agricultural innovation systems (AIS) in the 8 pilot districts revealed the presence of a wide range of actors who can potentially support outscaling (horizontal spread of new knowledge being applied) and upscaling (institutional and policy changes that create a favourable environment for rapid uptake of new knowledge) of SRFSI. The success of SRFSI in promoting application of new knowledge around Conservation Agriculture (CA) and Sustainable Intensification (SI) depends crucially in developing partnerships and bringing about synergy among the activities of these different agencies. SRFSI interventions should build on some of the interesting initiatives around CA and SI promoted by various programmes or agencies. Promoting CA and SI involves calibration of several technical options appropriate to the different situations (soil water conditions, size of farms, types of crops grown etc, etc). Lack of well articulated policy on promotion of conservation agriculture and sustainable intensification is currently constraining wider update of these technologies.